SG Mobile Privacy Policy :
Last revised: April 1, 2022

Welcome to the website including its associated functions, applications, services or websites, ("Website"), operated by Sagau Mobile Inc., ("SG Mobile" or "we") ("Us"). SG Mobile undertakes to respect the privacy of its customers, partners and all other visitors to its Website ("Users" or "you"), as well as to protect their Personal Information, as defined below. The purpose of this Privacy Policy ("Policy") is to provide information about the Personal Information we collect and process in connection with your use of the Website. You will also find the different ways to contact us in order, among other things, to obtain more information if necessary. The Website is administered from Quebec, Canada. However, SG Mobile operates and collects Personal Information in several jurisdictions, including the European Union ("EU"). This Policy thus takes into account the requirements of the Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector in force in Quebec and its federal equivalent, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, the EU General Data Protection Regulation, as well as any other law to which SG Mobile may be subject in the course of its activities (collectively "Act(s)"). The Personal Information you provide to SG Mobile will not be used for purposes other than those provided for by Applicable Law and in accordance with this Policy. By using the Website or providing your Personal Information, you consent to its collection, use, disclosure and retention in accordance with the terms hereof. We recommend that you read this Policy carefully. If you do not consent, please do not disclose your Personal Information to us and stop using the Website. You may also unsubscribe at any time from any newsletter that we may publish or communicate with us in the manner set out in the "Contact Us" section below.

Scope :

This Policy applies to Users Personal Information collected by SG Mobile via the Website or by any other written or oral means. Personal Information is collected during your use of the Website, your subscriptions to our publications, when you purchase our Products and during your interactions with us, whether by email, telephone or otherwise. This Policy does not apply to the Personal Information of employees, consultants or other individuals related to SG Mobile, or to any information that does not constitute Personal Information, including if it is of an exclusively commercial nature.Also, when you make an online payment using a credit card or payment account in order to complete a purchase on our website, no financial information will be collected by us. Online payment will be processed and administered only by third-party service providers, including Stripe, PayPal and Paybright, who will host the information collected on their own servers. Your Personal Information will then be subject to the privacy policies of those third-party providers.

What is Personal Information? :

Personal information is any information that directly or indirectly identifies a natural person, by reference to a single element or in combination of several. This includes, without limitation, first name, last name, telephone number, street address, email address, etc. (collectively "Personal Information").

Collection of Personal Information :

We collect Personal Information with your consent or as permitted or required by applicable laws. Your consent may be express or implied, depending on the circumstances and applicable law. SG Mobile will limit the collection of Personal Information, both in nature and volume, to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is collected. We will also ensure that the Personal Information we hold is accurate, complete and up-to-date. We do not knowingly collect or process Personal Information about minors. By using the Website, you represent and warrant that you have reached the legal age of majority in your place of residence or that you are authorised to use the Website by the holder of parental authority over you. In the event that we become aware of the collection of Personal Information from minors without such permission, we will take appropriate steps to delete it from our servers.

Information you provide to us directly

What information is collected? :

We collect the following Personal Information, which you provide to us directly on the Website on a voluntary basis, including by creating an account or logging into the Website:

  • Your Name,
  • Your Email,
  • Telephone number,
  • Mailing address,

How is this information collected? :

The Personal Information we collect about you is collected during your interactions with the Website or with us in the following ways: When you create an account for the purchase of one of our Products; Through the various forms available on the Website, for example in the "Contact Us" or "Our Warranty" section; By subscribing to our newsletter, if applicable; When you contact us by email, telephone or otherwise.

Why is this information collected? :

We use the information collected for the following purposes: Allow you to use the Website and the services offered on it; Process and ship your orders; Communicate with you when you contact us; Provide you with the services or information you have requested; Personalize your experience on the Website and improve our services; Send you our newsletter when you have subscribed to it; Send you promotional offers; Compile statistics and other research and analysis tasks; Proceed to the management of the Website; Provide you with technical support; Notify you of changes to our terms and conditions, policies or for other administrative reasons; Protect our rights and interests; Enforce this Policy or the terms and conditions of the Website; and Comply with Laws. We only collect and use information that is required and necessary to enable us to achieve the purposes mentioned above.

Information We Collect Automatically

What information do we collect? :

In addition to the above, we may automatically collect and collect information about you, primarily the following: IP address;
Operating system;
Type of device used;
Screen resolution used;
Pages visited and queries;
Time and day of connection;
Links you click;
Origin of the User;
Geolocation; and
The language of your browser.

How and why is this information collected?:

This information is collected through cookies. Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer or on any electronic communication device you use when you visit the Website. These files allow the exchange of status information between the Website and your browser.

We use the following cookies::

Session cookies: These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the Website and its functionalities. They do not collect information intended to be used for commercial prospecting or advertising targeting purposes. Session cookies are encrypted identifiers that are not recognizable but essential so that you do not have to, among other things, reconnect to each page you visit. Google Analytics cookies: Google Analytics collects several types of information related to your navigation on the Website, in particular via Google Tag Manager which is a configuration tool that facilitates digital audience analysis. For example, the pages you visit, the date and time of your visit and the links you click on could be collected. Google Analytics also collects, among other things, the type of operating system on your computer, the language of your browser, the name of your Internet service provider and your geographical location. Google uses this information only to produce statistics and reports on navigation on the Website. These elements allow us to improve the Website by better understanding the browsing behavior of Users. Third-party cookies. We may allow third-party cookies to track your journey between different sites and provide you with targeted advertising that we believe may be of interest to you. However, you can choose at any time not to receive them It is possible to change your browser settings to refuse cookies. The setting of cookies can be done directly via your browser and allows, depending on the type of browser used, to systematically refuse cookies when browsing or to allow them on a case-by-case basis. Please note, however, that by disabling cookies, you may not be able to benefit from certain features available on our Website. If you are using a computer in a public place or sharing a computer with other users, be sure to clear your browsing history before ending each session.

To whom do we share your Personal Information?:

SG Mobile undertakes to share your Personal Information only if you request it, on the basis of your consent or if disclosure is otherwise required or permitted by law. SG Mobile will not sell your Personal Information to third parties. We may share your Personal Information with suppliers, partners, consultants, employees or other third parties in a manner necessary or useful for the conduct of our business and to administer the Website. We may also disclose information that includes Personal Information to our marketing agencies for commercial promotion purposes and as permitted by law. SG Mobile also uses the services of Stripe, PayPal and Paybright, third-party service providers, to manage payment processing. Our service providers and partners are chosen for their expertise and reliability. They act on our behalf and on our instructions. We only allow these providers to use your Personal Information to the extent necessary to perform services on our behalf or to comply with legal requirements. We take reasonable steps to ensure that any third party service provider provides a secure and adequate environment and security measures consistent with those required by Applicable Laws to ensure that your Personal Information is protected at all times. Please note that Applicable Laws may result in a government, court or state agency being authorized to require the disclosure of your Personal Information. We assume no responsibility in this regard and will not object to the disclosure of your Personal Information in the event that it is required by a public authority under any Applicable Law. We may also share your Information with recipients we deem appropriate in order to bring or defend ourselves from any legal action.

How long will Personal Information be retained ?:

The retention of Personal Information is for a period strictly necessary to achieve the purposes referred to in this Policy as well as for the period required by any applicable law, if any, including tax regulations.

Storage and transfer ?:

The Personal Information we collect is stored on secure, restricted servers, based primarily in the United States, either on our own servers or on those of third party service providers. To the extent that Personal Information is transferred outside of Quebec, we will take the steps required by Applicable Laws, which may include, as the case may be: (i) obtaining your consent before proceeding with the transfer; (ii) the establishment of binding corporate rules; (iii) the adoption of standard data protection clauses approved by the competent authorities; or (iv) obtaining appropriate safeguards from recipients of Personal Information in the third country that the Personal Information is adequately protected.


The Website stores the Personal Information compiled in a secure environment and various measures to prevent its unauthorized disclosure, use, alteration or destruction have been put in place. In particular, the Website uses the SSL and TSL protocol when transmitting your Personal Information, anti-virus software, firewalls and computer backup procedures. SG Moible has also taken other measures to ensure the security of Personal Information, in addition to those mentioned elsewhere in this Policy, which include, but is not limited to, (i) limited access to Personal Information by personnel who need access to it to perform their duties (customer service, administration, controller, etc.), which are bound by confidentiality in the performance of their duties; (ii) the physical protection of SG Mobile’s premises; (iii) regular review of our practices and this Policy, etc. SG Mobile undertakes to take all reasonable measures to ensure a level of confidentiality and security of Personal Information in accordance with reasonable technological standards in relation to its field of activity.

External links and forms?:

T For your convenience, the Website may include hyperlinks to external websites operated by third parties. By clicking on these hyperlinks, you will leave the Website to those of these third parties, which may be subject to different privacy policies and practices. This Policy is no longer applicable when you leave our Website. Please review the privacy policies of those other sites to which you are redirected before providing any Personal Information. We are not responsible for, and accept no responsibility for, accept responsibility for the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information of other entities that you may access from our Website.

Limitation of Liability:

You declare that you understand and acknowledge that no computer system offers absolute security and that the protection of Personal Information cannot be fully guaranteed on the public network that is the Internet. When you use the Internet to transmit your Personal Information, there is always a risk of interception, loss or alteration. Any transmission of Personal Information by you is therefore at your own risk. You therefore agree that SG Mobile cannot be held responsible for any breach of confidentiality, hacking, viruses, loss or alteration of Personal Information transmitted or hosted on its systems or those of a third party and you declare that you waive any claim in this regard, except in the event of gross negligence or wilful misconduct on the part of SG Mobile. Accordingly, you agree to hold SG Mobile and its officers, directors, related persons and business partners harmless from any and all damages of any kind, whether direct or indirect, incidental, special or consequential in connection with the use of your Personal Information. In the event of a breach of the confidentiality or security of your Personal Information that poses a high risk to your rights and freedom, such breach will be notified to you as soon as possible and SG Mobile will take the necessary measures to maintain the confidentiality and security of your Personal Information.

Personal Information Manager at SG Mobile:

SG Mobile has designated a Privacy Officer to oversee compliance with this Policy and applicable law regarding the protection of your Personal Information. If you have any questions, concerns or complaints regarding the application of this Policy or the management of your Personal Information, please contact our Privacy Officer at the contact information set out below.

Your rights as a User:

We undertake to confirm to you at your request the existence, use and disclosure of Personal Information concerning you, as well as to give you access to this information and to allow you to rectify it if necessary. As a User, you also have the right to object, erase and portability of your Personal Information. The right to object consists of the possibility offered to you to refuse, when the collection is based on your consent, to have your Personal Information used for certain purposes mentioned at the time of collection. Please note that we may be unable to provide you with certain services or access to certain features of the Website if you withdraw or refuse to give us your consent for the use of your Personal Information in accordance with this Policy. The right to withdraw, or the right to be forgotten, is understood as the choice you can make to request that your Personal Information no longer appear in a file of consultation, dissemination, or transmission. We undertake to take the necessary steps to ensure that your Personal Information is erased as soon as you have exercised your right of withdrawal, except in cases where the Law allows or requires that it be retained. You may also request in certain cases the portability of your Personal Information, i.e. the transfer to you or a third party of your Personal Information, subject to the provisions of the Act and the overriding legitimate grounds that we may justify to retain it. To enforce these rights, you may communicate in writing with our Privacy Officer in the manner set out below. In all cases, we will process access or modification requests in accordance with Applicable Law.

Changes to this Policy:

We reserve the unilateral right to make changes to this Policy at any time, in which case the most recent version will automatically replace the previous one. If we make changes, we will take steps to notify you, either by a notice on the Website or otherwise. By continuing to use the Website after an update is posted, you consent to our use of your Personal Information in accordance with the amended policy.

Applicable law and dispute resolution:

These Terms, their interpretation, execution, application and validity are subject to the laws in force in the Province of Quebec, excluding conflict of law rules. In the event of disagreement between you and SG Mobile on the application of this Policy, we invite you first to contact us in the manner provided herein. We will try as far as possible to reach an amicable settlement and find an appropriate solution to the situation, without prejudice to the right of each party to have recourse to the courts in the manner and at the time it deems appropriate. In the event of disagreement between you and SG Mobile on the application of this Policy, we invite you first to contact us in the manner provided herein. We will try as far as possible to reach an amicable settlement and find an appropriate solution to the situation, without prejudice to the right of each party to have recourse to the courts in the manner and at the time it deems appropriate. Any dispute between SG Mobile and you arising out of or in connection with these Terms, the purchase of a Product or the use of the Website shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Quebec, judicial district of Montreal.

Contact us :

If you have any questions regarding the purchase of a Product or these Terms, or if you would like to send a written request to our team, please contact us as follows:

  • Phone: +1 (438) 408-5490
  • Email:
  • Address: 5989 Verdun Street, Montreal, H4H 1M6, QC, Canada

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